Memecoin Season $USA Report
June 3, 2024
Great report on Based USA by Memecoin Season!

5 Questions to Based USA Team

1)Could you tell us more about the inspiration behind Based USA and how the project embodies American ideals such as freedom, unity, and progress? What motivated you to create a digital asset that celebrates these values?

Based USA is a community takeover, born out of a situation where the original developer sold all his tokens, causing the project to tank. A group of 30 investors saw the potential in Based USA and decided to resurrect it, embodying the spirit of unity and collaboration. It’s common for new launches to rug and for community takeovers to happen, and about half of the successful meme projects today are community takeovers. When Based USA rugged, something remarkable occurred – 30 strangers on the internet came together to bring a new vision to life. We gathered in the Based USA voice channel and started discussing what Based USA would be and what our vision was.

We aimed to balance the degen culture with memes and a mission larger than any of us: supporting veteran organizations, onboarding individual vets, and raising awareness for groups like Stand With Crypto, which advocates for clear, common-sense crypto regulations in the United States.

To us, the Based USA embodies the American dream – coming together, fighting for something bigger than yourself, and creating opportunities for everyone to enjoy a good quality of life and the freedom to speak their minds and chase their dreams. The very origin of this project is a testament to what makes America great and the power of crypto, community, and connection.

2)Supporting veterans is a key aspect of Based USA’s mission. Could you share some specific examples of how the project has contributed to veteran groups like K9s For Warriors, The Veterans Art Project, and Veterans of War? How do you envision continuing to support veterans in the future?

When researching which veteran organizations to support, we identified three progressive channels: art therapy, animal therapy, and plant medicine. The Based USA champions a progressive America, aiming to bring awareness to these innovative healing modalities that benefit those who fought for our freedom. We will be donating to individual veterans as well as organizations like K9s For Warriors, The Veterans Art Project, and Veterans of War, with contributions triggered by market cap milestones.

To date, the core CTO team has contributed 2% of our supply – 20 million tokens – from their personal holdings to be distributed as we hit our milestones. It was important to have this foundation built now so that as the price of the token increases, we have a hefty treasury to support these initiatives. Additionally, we have raised an additional 1% amongst the team for marketing, ensuring that we don’t need to take from the donation fund to promote our efforts.

We are also committed to educating individual veterans about cryptocurrency, teaching them how to create Coinbase wallets, and donating USA tokens from our donation treasury to them. Our vision for the future includes not only financial support but also providing a platform for veteran-owned businesses to gain awareness and market their products and services. We are excited about the potential of Based USA and look forward to seeing all the positive impacts we can achieve as our project grows.

3)Given the lighthearted and creative nature of the Based USA show, how do you balance entertainment with education and advocacy? What themes or messages do you hope viewers take away from watching the show?

There are a lot of big issues facing the US and the world, and we understand how the US influences global perspectives in many ways. We’re excited to use AI as a catalyst, allowing us to take input from the community to produce timely and relevant content autonomously. Creating content is expensive, and we aim to distribute media that inspires, educates, and connects people from the USA and beyond. We’ve coined the term “decentralized storytelling” to describe our approach.

Since the content will be made with AI, we can’t own the intellectual property, so we distribute it freely without commercials. Anyone is free to take inspiration from our concepts and use them as they see fit. We hope that through our ethos and mission, everyone remains aligned with the greater purpose. The themes we hope to inspire through our show are creativity, integrity, collaboration, and an open mind—qualities that are needed most in these times.

4)Decentralized storytelling is an innovative concept within the crypto space. What challenges and opportunities have you encountered in implementing this approach, and how do you ensure that the community’s voice remains central to the storytelling process?

At Based USA, we’re futurists embracing the fun and innovative mechanisms of decentralized storytelling. We’re constantly exploring creative ways to integrate community input into our show and social media content. By actively listening to our community, we can structure participation in engaging and democratic ways. For instance, we might hold idea raffles where community members submit concepts, and a random selection determines the daily or weekly content. Alternatively, we can hold votes on favorite narratives, with weighted voting based on the amount of USA tokens held. Every decision about participation methods will be voted on by the community, ensuring that their voice remains central to the process.

The opportunities in this approach are immense, allowing us to raise awareness for individuals, organizations, businesses, and artists through the show. We’re at the exciting early stages of creating a platform that truly reflects our community’s creativity and passion. We can’t wait to see how this collaborative journey unfolds and the innovative content we’ll produce together.

5)Beyond the TV show, are there any other initiatives or projects in the pipeline for Based USA? How do you envision the project evolving in the coming months and years?

There’s a lot in the pipeline for Based USA, and if our current initiatives are any indication, we’re gearing up for some big things. While we want to keep some surprises under wraps, you can definitely expect exciting developments. Our narrative is expansive, providing us with endless possibilities to explore. Keep an eye out for a special launch next week in honor of Memorial Day. This is just the beginning – we’re already planning for major events like the 4th of July and the Olympics. The Based USA means business. Get ready for America 2.0!

For the full profile and report:

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Great report on Based USA by Memecoin Season!
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Based USA 2024©