My name is Lance Corporal Martinez USMC
May 25, 2024
Core Values
Lance Corporal Martinez: From Marine to mogul, his journey embodies resilience, success, and a commitment to giving back.

My name is Lance Corporal Martinez. I migrated to this beautiful country at the age of 12 from the Dominican Republic via New York City. Moved to Florida in '95 and right after high school, I joined the United States Marine Corps. While in the military, I lost both my parents and found myself with two younger brothers, no money, and no home after my discharge. Because of the opportunities in this beautiful country, I became a personal trainer and within a year owned a couple of Personal Training Facilities. My brothers moved in temporarily with me, and I married my high school sweetheart who waited for me. I then sold my gyms, got into real estate, and the cell phone industry with both my brothers, who are also extremely successful. I have two boys and a daughter, all college graduates or about to graduate college. A beautiful wife who thinks I can do no wrong. This is my true success story.

Now, I find myself wanting to give back again and started a patriotic-based YouTube channel from the perspective of a legal migrant called 'The Grey Beard Pirate.' This is what brings me to 'Based USA,' a community of America-loving, veteran-supporting individuals, and an investment crypto token with a purpose. I am absolutely amazed at what this community is doing and how it is reaching out to us veterans, first responders, and the service community. I love how the team is striving to keep the donation wallet untouched for any reason other than to give back. I'm all in.

I am looking forward to assisting in any way possible and offering whatever resources I may have at your disposal. Lastly, perhaps this can finally allow me to give back even more financially to my fellow vets and the homeless in this country. Thank you, Based USA and team. Have a fantastic Memorial Day, and let's remember those who gave all for us.

Letter to the Fallen Heroes of D-Day
June 6, 2024
Core Values
Today, we honor the D-Day heroes and reflect on their sacrifices for freedom. Join us in a moment of silence to remember their legacy.
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Memecoin Season $USA Report
June 3, 2024
Great report on Based USA by Memecoin Season!
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May 29, 2024
Core Values
This project spoke to me because I recognized the potential good crypto could do for our veterans to evoke real change.
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