My name is Corporal Palomares USMC (SGT.)
May 27, 2024
Core Values
Embracing challenges, chasing dreams, and rewriting the script of success—one courageous step at a time.

Hello, & thank you for allowing me to share my story. Words like "blessed" or "honored" don’t quite capture the depth of emotion I’m feeling. "Entrusted" seems to hit closer to home. My name is Corporal Palomares (Sgt.), USMC (United States Marine Corps.) from 2005 to 2010 but once a marine always a marine. I was assigned to MALS - 11 (Marine Air Squadron - 11) fixed wing at Mira Mar in San Diego. In 2008, I was deployed overseas to Iraq with MALS-16, Helo Squadron. My background is complex, to say the least, so I’ll do my best to keep this concise.

I was born in France and brought to the United States by my parents, both immigrants seeking a better life. My mom is French, and my father is from Mexico. I joined the Corps at 18 years old, fresh out of high school. I served 5 years with an honorable discharge, including a deployment to Iraq where I was promoted to NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer). I exited the Corps at the end of 2010, embarking on my civilian life.

From there, my journey as a civilian was a whirlwind. I used my Gi-bill to put myself through college in San Francisco at the Art Institute of California, where I studied graphic design. I then pursued photography, shooting shows and concerts at night, while also bartending when I was not in school. Through these experiences, I cultivated a beautiful network of individuals who kept my spirits high and my journey full-filled. I became a tour manager for big DJs such as AUTOGRAF & SNBRN which allowed me to hone my skills from the military training and becoming a creative director. I soon aspired to open my own studio, which became a reality when I co-founded Project Parallel Studios. Little did my business partner and I know, Covid was around the corner.

We struggled through the pandemic, but we held strong and doubled down on ourselves. Today, Project Parallel celebrates its 5th year anniversary this past February. While I can’t claim monumental success, we’ve achieved amazing things. Running your own shop is no easy feat, and I’ve learned invaluable lessons through this experience. And that brings me to stumbling upon Based USA.

This wasn't part of my planned journey, but rather a moment that presented itself with great value and a possible catalyst to make our dreams a reality. Everything happens for a reason—I believe that in my bones. What a serendipitous moment this CTO has become. I find myself rejuvenated and humbled with honor to have a chance to give back to a community that I grow more thankful every day. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without the Marine Corps, my family, and all my friends who have stood by me to watch me grow into the man I know I'm capable of. With your trust and support, I’ll do everything in my power to succeed while completing the mission & hopefully your faith in our cause & in me.

Thank you to the core team for your hard work and hours building this in such a short time. Huge shout out to G who's leading the project. We'd be nowhere without him and his vision. Thank you for your support and putting your trust in us. And thank you to our ancestors for being able to bloom beauty into this world. Together, we are strong; singled, we are weak. Help us rewrite the script for what it means to be a patriot.

Vive la Liberte

This is Count dePauxX, signing off.

Letter to the Fallen Heroes of D-Day
June 6, 2024
Core Values
Today, we honor the D-Day heroes and reflect on their sacrifices for freedom. Join us in a moment of silence to remember their legacy.
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Memecoin Season $USA Report
June 3, 2024
Great report on Based USA by Memecoin Season!
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May 29, 2024
Core Values
This project spoke to me because I recognized the potential good crypto could do for our veterans to evoke real change.
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